Data Strategy and Roadmapping
Technology Stack Optimization
Grant Funding, Training, Workshops
Data Strategy and Roadmapping
Data Strategy and Roadmapping

I have helped grow literacy and strategy for key international stakeholders on data science, psychology, and machine learning at all stages of growth. I can help you find a cost-optimal path for your vision by providing documentation and justification that is accessible to both technical and non-technical key stakeholders

Services: Defining data strategy, data requirements scoping, architecture, governance and compliance frameworks, current state assessment.

Past Work: I built a 5-year technology roadmap for an e-commerce brand acquisition firm. The firm wanted to know based on their current data and technology stack what data science features for their products they could implement. The roadmap included estimated times, dependencies, feasibility/risk evaluations, and technology requirements.

Technology Stack Optimization
Technology Stack Optimization

Data science moves quickly and many companies struggle to incorporate data science into their business that do not require large monetary investments upfront. I can help design data science initiatives for you that are low-risk and cost effective. If you have a technology stack you need to maintain, I can help reduce technical debt, improve cost efficiency, and extract more meaningful insights from your data.

Services: Technology stack review and reporting, architecture diagrams, cost and performance reporting.

Past Work: My client already had some technology implementations in AWS to power their business services. They tried to work with some of the pre-built data science services in the cloud but were unsure how to best move forward with their solution. I provided architecture diagrams for the cloud structure, sample templates for automated builds, entity relationship diagrams for their DB solution, and reports on estimated latency and cost improvements. I also helped implement these recommendations into their tech stack.

Grant Funding, Training, Workshops
Grant Funding, Training, Workshops

I have been acquired millions of dollars in government and technology innovations for my clients in order to launch data science recommendations I provided to help bootstrap desired outcomes.

I have published dozens of hours of Python and data science training content on Udemy. My background in psychology has given me many unique opportunities to successfully engage with people with diverse needs, skills and interest about how data science can work for them.

Services: Online courses, key stakeholder presentations and reports, innovation and technology grant applications, personal tutoring, lectures, workshops, in-person training.

Past Work: I have submitted 3 years worth of SSHRC innovation grants for my past client and was awarded over $500,000 dollars to fund data science features for their startup software.